Monday, September 16, 2024


 It was one year ago today that I began this blog, with the intention of returning to an online presence that involved more long form discourse, and less of the short-attention-span posts of the social media that is now the current fad.  As someone always drawn to anachronisms, blogging appealed to me partly because it is now considered old fashioned.  I've not really settled on a unifying theme for this blog, but instead share random observations about some of my interests: typewriters, postal mail, food, and books.  A year after it began, it's likely what is found here hasn't much altered the course of the world.  But whose hobby ever does?  Here's to another year!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Keep on truckin'

 After a long period of development, the newly designed US Postal Service's mail trucks are finally being deployed.   They certainly won't win any beauty contests, but of course that isn't their main goal.  Practicality is the primary aim, and from early comments by mail carriers who use them, the new vehicle is a success.  With many improvements in safety, comfort and reliability over the 1980s era Grumman-built mail trucks still in wide service, the new Next Generation Delivery Vehicle is a marked improvement in the delivery fleet.  The NGDV is part of an ambitious 10-year plan by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to streamline and modernize the world's largest postal system.  DeJoy has been widely criticized for the plan's implementation, which has triggered significant degradation of service in many parts of the country.  Whether these deficits can be overcome remains to be seen.  There are even concerns that postal delays will impede mailed ballots in November's presidential election, four years after new Trump appointee DeJoy was accused of deliberately slowing mail service to affect absentee ballots.  Hopefully, the growing pains of the USPS restructuring will be temporary, and the service can return to its previous efficiency.  Until then, at least some spiffy new trucks will be a welcome improvement.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hot off the press 3

 Just received from the indefatigable press of Fred Woodworth: Mystery & Adventure Series Review #63.  This 40-page issue of the completely analog 'zine contains articles about the boy's adventure books A Trace of Memory by Keith Laumer, the Dan Perry series book Radium Island by Kent Sagendorph (which is referred to as "Indiana Jones on Steroids"), and the regular Typographic Corner column.  Of course, the issue also has an extensive "Letters to the Editor" section, in which Fred interacts with his loyal readers.

As always, copies of this and other Fred Woodworth publications may be obtained by writing postal mail to him at Fred Woodworth, PO Box 3012, Tuscon AZ 85702.  (The familiar city of Tucson, AZ is purposefully misspelled in Fred's usage for purposes of protest.  Humor him and spell it that way; your mail will reach him all the same.)  As for cost, Fred writes, "Subscription is at no fixed price - free or whatever you care to donate, if anything.  Donations, however, MUST be in either cash or stamps, not checks. I cannot accept checks."  In the past, Fred has described banking errors that have led him to completely avoid them.  I occasionally send him cash via mail without trouble.  Join me as a reader of Woodworth publications and you will support a magazine whose "purpose is to promote obsolete culture and its ideals."