Not to humblebrag, but my household has more cars than garage space. Yes, the house's two car garage is spacious enough to accommodate our two vehicles and a small wooden sailboat I built myself a few years ago. But this leaves one vehicle that must be parked outside in the elements. When severe weather is forecast, I sometimes use my Hail Protector to shield the vehicle from damaging hail or flying debris in a storm. It is, in essence, similar to a children's inflatable bounce house. In other words, a fabric shell that is inflated by a constantly running electric fan. This is designed to provide enough of a cushion to protect a vehicle from large chunks of ice falling from the sky. It takes me about 15 minutes to install the thing, so advanced warning of severe weather is essential. I have it set up at this moment, in advance of expected severe weather, including large hail, later this afternoon. I've had this gizmo for a couple years, and deployed it a handful of times, as a precaution. Haven't yet had any actual hail to be protected from. Hope that streak continues today... Stay tuned.
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