Friday, June 7, 2024

Hot off the press 2

 Received earlier this week: Issue 126 of The Match!  This is the sporadically published 'zine from iconoclast Fred Woodworth to which I have subscribed for many years.  In fact, it is one of several publications the indefatigable Woodworth produces single-handedly and without use of any digital devices.  Indeed, Woodworth has no online presence and conducts his business completely in cash and via US postal mail.  As I've mentioned before, that alone captivates me as it feeds my typographical nostalgia.  The Match! is Woodworth's long lived "anarchist" 'zine (though he has recently shunned the use of the word).  With content more political than his literary 'zine, M&A Review, Woodworth has recently swerved from anti-authoritarian commentary to something more akin to MAGA conspiracy theories.  Despite that, and however much I may disagree with his political views, I always enjoy each issue when it arrives.  I mean, just consider- this issue includes a column that recalls material from previous issues of The Match! from 30, 40, and even 50 years ago!  Such dedication and longevity in itself is to be applauded.  Long may the analog typewriters and improvised offset printing press of Fred Woodworth live!

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