Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Sorry, America

 A couple years ago as part of my Postcrossing activities, I sent out several copies of a postcard that would become one of the most popular I've ever sent.  It expressed my opinion of the dismal Trump administration.  As social commentator Fran Lebowitz aptly says, "Every single thing that could be wrong with a human being is wrong with him.  But the single most dangerous thing about Donald Trump is how unbelievably stupid he is."  In short, Trump has absolutely no redeeming features, belongs in jail, and astounds me by how much support he then received (and continues to receive) from his cult followers.  So my postcard, with sardonic humor, relayed my feelings of our county's leader through those dark years.

 And now I once again feel the need to apologize, this time to the American nation as a whole.  It's clear that the senior senator from Alabama is a colossal embarrassment and a danger to national security.  As a resident of Alabama for over 30 years, I'm used to politicians who are embarrassing on a national scale.  We all remember the sanctimonious Judge Roy Moore, don't we?  With logarithmically greater political ineptness, Senator Tommy Tuberville has brought embarrassment at levels that are notable even for Alabama.  From questions about his residency to clear indications of his political ignorance, Tuberville only makes news for his deep and persistence incompetence.  As a product of the modern Republican party, he exemplifies all the qualities the party values: ethical shortcomings, proud stupidity, and vague racism.  Tuberville now is best known for his obstinate efforts to impede the appointment of military leaders.  In these dangerous times, the damage Tuberville is causing to military readiness exasperates even members of his own party, though most of them lack the courage to do anything about it.  With the cocksure petulance of a teenager, Tuberville resists advice and doggedly persists in his tantrums.  In a state dominated by a party that values its own power over the good of the country, there is little more I can do as an individual voter than to vote against Tuberville.  That, and to offer my apologies to the nation:  Dear American, sorry about Tommy Tuberville.

...and Tuberville, too.

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